Edit: not quite as shortly as planned but on now :)
And we are out of pepper so 1/8 c of huy fung siracha will replace that
forgot the garlic and ginger
recipe updated
end edit:
This recipe has not yet been made even once. It is going on shortly and I will post what we think when it is all over.
This 2nd major version will also be served with a high gluten wheat flour noodle more like an udon noodle than a Pho noodle (thus the name change from Pho quest to noodle soup quest)
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm)
Title: pho style broth 002
Yields: 10 quarts
Cooktime: 1/2 day
Preparation Time: 1 1/2 hours
Categories: soup, broth, WAB, Vietnamese
------------------------------THE BONES------------------------------
1 ham bone (see notes)
5 lb shank steak (bony, mostly trimmed of fat)
------------------------------THE VEGIS------------------------------
2 onions, yellow collosal (peel and all)
1 bunch celery
3 lb carrots
2 bunch onions, green (washed and nothing else)
4 bulbs garlic (peel and all)
1 piece ginger (about the size of a large thumb, sliced 1/4" thick)
------------------------------THE SPICES------------------------------
4 sticks cinnamon (3")
5 stars star anise (optional and not in this batch)
1 ts fennel seeds
1 ts dill seeds
1 ts black mustard seed
12 cloves (whole)
1/8 c siracha (we use huy fung)
--------------------------THE FINAL TOUCHES--------------------------
3 tb sugar, dark brown
3 tb salt
1/2 c soy sauce, dark
Par boil the bones, then skip the water, remove the bones and rinse to
make sure that little tor no skimming will be needed once you start
cooking the broth.
Cut the vegis peel and all into manageable chunks and brown in a
medium hot skillet. Unless you have a monster skillet you may need to
do several batches.
Lightly toast the spices until you can smell them throughout the house
but not until they burn (the line is very fine as the song correctly
states about the hot water in the shower... between toasted and burnt)
Put the spices into a spice bag in the bottom of a large slow cooker
(we use a commercial 3 gallon slow cooker), put the bones on top of
this, and the vegis on top of the bones.
Set the slow cooker for 250 degrees F and leave alone for 12 to 14
hours. This should not need any attention at all and past experience
tells me that checking on the broth will make things go sideways if
not just plain wrong.
Remove as much of the bones and goodies as you can. We pick over the
bones (and in this case the shank steaks are going to be the first
meat for a bowl while it is still hot) and use the goodies of quick
meals for a couple of days but you can be traditional about it... I
won't tell either way,
Let the broth sit and cool just enough that you can handle it without
being injured. Pour through a filter of your choice. Some ideas we
have used are listed in the notes.
Enjoy one bowl now because you can :)
If you will be storing now is the time for that (see notes for some
ideas we have used to make this awesome to take to work).
Rating: 4/5 stars
Source: my head
1) the ham bone. Started life as as a picnic ham cured but not cooked
which then had most of the meat removed. This will be used later for
pork Pho though will be cooked before serving instead of beef usually
raw before the broth is pored over it.
2) We have heard of people concentrating their stock by simmering in a
stock pot stirring frequently, when reduced by about 3/4 or so pouring
into ice cube trays and freezing. 1-2 concentrated cubes is
apparently about a perfect bowl.
3) This broth does not gel as well as broth #001 because of the lack
of feet so instead of gelling and cutting into cubes to be frozen we
pour into small zip top freezer bags and carefully stack in the
freezer. This makes a perfect ice cube for keeping the rest of your
work meal cold as well as making the management of the meal much
4) After looking at MANY MILLIONS (ok maybe a slight exaggeration ) of
Pho stock recipes and going to the store specifically to get
ingredients after all of that reading armed with ideas of what
everyone who will be partaking in this quest likes and dislikes (or is
allergic to) this is our first all original recipe.
5) filtering ideas
* a commercial coffee filter+filter-pot (the monster ones you see in a
* a filter designed to clean a deep fryer.
* a fine double dutch screen china cap (a method of making a screen
that lets water pass freely but holds back even the finer particles,
also called "filter screen" or various trade names).
* a coffee filter in a strainer or coarse china cap.
* cheese cloth in a strainer or china cap.
Eggplant shakshuka
3 days ago
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