Borrowed from and modified both for personal tastes and ingredient shortages a couple of times.
This is a very nice bread slightly sweet, very tangy, and moist.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm)
Title: yogurt quick bread
Yields: 12 servings
Cooktime: 1 hour 10 minutes
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Categories: bread-quick
2 c flour, fine pastry
2 tb flour, vital gluten
2 tb sugar, brown
1 ts baking soda
1 1/2 c yogurt, I usually use homemade yogurt
1/4 c butter, melted
2 egg whites, large
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Lightly spoon flours into dry measuring cup/spoon
level with a knife.
Combine flour, sugar, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.
mix well
Make a well in center of mixture.
3. Combine yogurt, butter, and egg whites, stirring with a whisk.
Place over low heat just till the butter is melted.
Add to flour mixture, stirring just till moist. DO NOT OVER MIX
4. Spread batter into an 8x4" loaf pan coated with cooking spray. Bake
at 350 for 70 minutes or till wooden pick inserted in center comes out
5. Cool 10 mins. in pan on wire rack;
remove from pan.
Cool completely on wire rack.
Source: WAB,
originally Pleclare
10 months ago (20091107)
Savory flavor, tender texture and a crunchy crust make this bread a
good all-purpose accompaniment.
I tend to use my own yogurt. I also tend to over culture my yogurt.
Some people may not like the tang of the yogurt most of which can be
countered with a little extra baking soda OR culturing the yogurt for
a normal time instead of my 12+ hours.
V1.2 (20091122)
* no buttermilk so used yogurt... nummy
* Added 2tb vital gluten and baked in the roaster. This seems to help
the falling problem.
* Time is still an issue. Perhaps raise the temp a bit in the roater
next time.
* Melted the butter with the yogurt over a low flame.
V1.1 (20091107)
*sugar -> sugar, brown. This tastes most like gramma's bread.
*flour -> pastry flour (it is all I have at present)
*baked in nesco baking/roaster This is bonus but does require a bit
longer bake time. Taste is improved to me, texture is vastly
improved. This baking method is more likely to fall after removing
from the heat. A bit more gluten in the flour (think bread flour)
should do the trick
*I think the butter melting needs to be handled differently, possibly
melted in the butter milk slowly.
*smells good so far.
V1.0 (20091106)
followed Pleclare's recipe exactly, baked in oven.
Eggplant shakshuka
3 days ago
This looks like an interesting bread. Yogurt is a good solid ingredient.